How to protest tuition fee hike: destroy school property, justify increase

Raise high the red banner of militancy at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines! Onward the proletariat! Or whatever.

Christ Jesus, PUP student leaders, doesn’t wrecking school equipment sort of, I don’t know, suddenly justify the tuition fee increase you guys are protesting?

Sort of like shooting yourself in the foot there, guys.

And then, of course, next year, there’ll be protests against the lack of desks and chairs because of the state’s abandonment of its responsibility to provide quality education. Which is probably true, but you won’t have chairs chiefly because you guys broke them. The 1,700-percent tuition fee increase from 12 pesos per unit to 200 pesos per unit won’t even buy one desk, I’m thinking. So, onward, onward. I guess.

Photo by Kabataan Partylist

To rebel is justified...somehow

One student leader, to show his solidarity with the students, has this to say:

“Actually, I have final exams today. But I was thinking, ‘what if next year I can’t take finals anymore because the tuition fee is so high?’ So we decided to protest instead.”

News flash for you, scholar: if, for some reason, you aren’t able to take your exams next year, that could be because you failed your finals this year by, I don’t know, not taking them.  A-plus.

(Thanks, mouse)


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