Supreme Court Says Plagiarism is OK, Blames Microsoft Word

Plagiarism during medieval times

The Philippine Supreme Court has cleared their pal fellow judge Associate Justice Mariano del Castillo from plagiarising because, allegedly, he didn’t intend to plagiarise in the first place. Instead, it was Microsoft Word’s fault for not detecting the plagiarised material that he inserted into his document:

The court also said it was not Del Castillo’s or his researcher’s fault that Miscrosoft Word, the program used in writing the decision, cannot detect “copied” research material without the proper attributions.

“Microsoft Word program does not have a function that raises an alarm when original materials are cut up or pruned. The portions that remain simply blend in with the rest of the manuscript, adjusting the footnote number and removing any clue that what should stick together had just been severed,” the Supreme Court said.

The newest member of the Supreme Court, Associate Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, criticized her colleagues for the ruling, claiming it would set a bad precedent. Just like Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

/via Pinoychan

Overpopulation blamed on darkness

Catanduanes Representative Cesar Sarmiento has a rather parochial approach to overpopulation.

Which is not to say it isn’t valid, it just isn’t as sexy as throwing rocks at the (Papal) throne.

Sarmiento says overpopulation should be blamed not on the Church but on the boredom that forces people with no access to electricity to rut in the dark like animals. Quoting some Filipino saying, he says darkness breeds romance and more.


His solution, then, is not contraceptives, but electricity.

Instead of spending funds for condoms, contraceptives and injectibles, the money can be used for the electrification of the non-energized sitios so the population will not grow faster and keep the people active and busy.”

The idea is not without merit. But he shouldn’t expect any t-shirts made in his honor.

Lapid wants lighter load for schoolkids

This bit of news is a day old, but Senator Lito Lapid never gets old.

Lapid wants the country’s schoolchildren to carry no more than 15 percent of their weight in their schoolbags, a measure that Education Secretary Armin Luistro was quick to pooh pooh.
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President Aquino leaves mobile phone at home

Imagine that you’re at work and you find out you left your mobile phone at home. It happens to everyone, eventually. You’re in a rush to go and just assume your phone is in your pocket like it always is.

Pretty embarrassing but it’s not like you can’t just rush home to get it. Besides, who’s going to miss you?

Now,imagine that you’re the President of the Republic of the Philippines. And you’re in the US.

Now imagine that it’s not 1999 anymore when people didn’t check their phones every few minutes.

Indolent Indio T-Shirts



Gotta catch ’em all! It’s easy! There’s only 2!

UPDATE: If you guys are interested in getting a shirt, leave a comment or send us an email: indolentry at We’re still trying to figure this out.

Miriam hits HK for acting like they’re all that

Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago has just filed a resolution against “provocative statements from a certain official of the Hong Kong administrative region” that were sent to Malacañang. (She means you, HK Chief Executive Donald Tsang.)

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