Traffic Police State

hil to the kingA little more Korean culture has come to our tropical shores. North Korean, in this case.

Lining the streets with propaganda posters is not a new thing in oppressive regimes. Banners of leaders striking a pose and exhorting their people to raise high the banner of revolution and to rain death on capitalist pig-dogs/ infidels/ heretics/ deviants/ lumpenproletariat has been par for the course with dictators, strongmen and various absolute leaders.

Bayani Fernando the First, King of Metro Manila is merely taking part in a grand tradition that goes back at least as early as Hitler and Stalin, was colorfully documented in bad ’80s films that showed Michael Dudikoff slipping into cities like Tehran, Moscow and Baghdad against (literally) a backdrop of bad guys on billboards proclaiming death to America, and is now the linchpin of the entire art industry of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.


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